details: 'tight tk rod jake fun game'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» NightElflym6421D (teal | 56 APM | 3635 actions | 64:44)
Hero icon 6 Goblin Tinker
Ability icon 3 Pocket Factory
Ability icon 2 Engineering Upgrade
Ability icon 1 Robo-Goblin

» actions
Assign group hotkey17
Basic commands282
Build / train81
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu25
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item4
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1708
Select / deselect570
Select group hotkey784
Use ability151
3635 total
» units
35 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon2
Moon Armor2
Well Spring1
Upgrade Moon Glaive1
Nature's Blessing1
9 total
» buildings
Moon Well6
Altar of Elders1
Hunter's Hall1
Ancient of War2
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Ages2
Tree of Eternity2
Ancient Protector15
Ancient of Lore2
Ancient of Wind2
Tree of Life1
35 total
» build order
00:12 Moon Well
01:12 Altar of Elders
01:33 Moon Well
02:30 Hunter's Hall
02:35 Ancient of War
02:36 Ancient of War
02:49 Moon Well
03:00 Ancient of Wonders
03:44 Moon Well
06:43 Tree of Ages
06:43 Tree of Ages
09:14 Tree of Eternity
09:14 Tree of Eternity
10:15 Ancient Protector
10:17 Ancient Protector
10:18 Ancient Protector
13:04 Ancient Protector
13:10 Ancient Protector
13:24 Ancient Protector
14:04 Ancient Protector
21:18 Ancient of Lore
21:19 Ancient of Lore
21:33 Moon Well
21:34 Moon Well
21:52 Ancient of Wind
21:53 Ancient of Wind
23:44 Tree of Life
23:45 Ancient Protector
23:46 Ancient Protector
23:46 Ancient Protector
23:46 Ancient Protector
23:46 Ancient Protector
23:47 Ancient Protector
23:47 Ancient Protector
23:48 Ancient Protector
» items
Orb of Corruption1
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Scroll of Regeneration3
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability3
Boots of Speed1
Scroll of Town Portal3
Staff of Teleportation1
Potion of Invisibility2
16 total
Random» UndeadGhandi (orange | 60 APM | 2018 actions | 33:35)
Hero icon 6 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Ability icon 1 Animate Dead
Hero icon 5 Lich
Ability icon 3 Frost Nova
Ability icon 2 Frost Armor

» actions
Assign group hotkey23
Basic commands156
Build / train77
Enter build submenu24
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Give item / drop item8
Right click956
Select / deselect296
Select group hotkey372
Use ability95
2018 total
» units
Crypt Fiend8
Obsidian Statue4
Frost Wyrm3
23 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace1
Freezing Breath1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead2
Nerubian Tower2
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
Spirit Tower8
30 total
» build order
00:42 Ziggurat
00:44 Altar of Darkness
00:46 Crypt
01:05 Graveyard
01:24 Ziggurat
01:42 Tomb of Relics
03:21 Halls of the Dead
03:21 Halls of the Dead
03:53 Ziggurat
04:40 Nerubian Tower
04:40 Nerubian Tower
05:24 Ziggurat
06:18 Slaughterhouse
06:54 Black Citadel
06:57 Ziggurat
07:33 Sacrificial Pit
09:23 Boneyard
11:31 Ziggurat
15:00 Spirit Tower
15:00 Spirit Tower
20:22 Ziggurat
21:27 Ziggurat
21:28 Ziggurat
21:32 Ziggurat
21:34 Spirit Tower
21:34 Spirit Tower
21:34 Spirit Tower
23:55 Spirit Tower
23:55 Spirit Tower
26:37 Spirit Tower
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
Dust of Appearance3
Boots of Speed2
Scroll of Healing4
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Scroll of Town Portal3
Orb of Corruption1
16 total
HumansObieski (blue | 95 APM | 6694 actions | 70:33)
Hero icon 7 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 3 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport
Hero icon 6 Mountain King
Ability icon 3 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Bash
Ability icon 1 Avatar
Hero icon 3 Paladin
Ability icon 2 Holy Light
Ability icon 1 Devotion Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey133
Basic commands611
Build / train224
ESC pressed11
Enter build submenu55
Enter hero's abilities submenu18
Give item / drop item9
Right click1868
Select / deselect936
Select group hotkey2428
Use ability401
6694 total
» units
Goblin Zeppelin4
Goblin Shredder3
Spell Breaker2
Green Dragon3
Flying Machine3
Siege Engine3
68 total
» upgrades
Sorceress Training2
Priest Training2
Long Rifles1
Control Magic1
Magic Sentry1
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
Flak Cannons1
Flying Machine Bombs1
Fragmentation Shards1
30 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall7
Scout Tower24
Arcane Tower7
Lumber Mill1
Guard Tower31
Arcane Sanctum2
Gryphon Aviary1
103 total
» build order
00:50 Altar of Kings
00:52 Barracks
00:54 Farm
01:04 Farm
01:25 Farm
02:12 Arcane Vault
02:24 Blacksmith
03:45 Town Hall
04:44 Scout Tower
05:08 Keep
05:08 Keep
05:08 Keep
05:12 Arcane Tower
05:12 Arcane Tower
05:12 Arcane Tower
06:45 Scout Tower
06:57 Scout Tower
07:39 Lumber Mill
07:58 Farm
08:02 Scout Tower
08:49 Guard Tower
08:49 Guard Tower
08:49 Guard Tower
08:49 Guard Tower
08:51 Guard Tower
08:51 Guard Tower
09:04 Arcane Sanctum
10:12 Scout Tower
10:12 Scout Tower
10:14 Scout Tower
10:16 Scout Tower
10:18 Scout Tower
10:42 Castle
10:42 Castle
10:43 Arcane Tower
10:44 Arcane Tower
10:44 Guard Tower
10:44 Guard Tower
10:50 Arcane Sanctum
10:52 Farm
10:55 Farm
11:10 Guard Tower
11:10 Guard Tower
12:31 Keep
12:31 Keep
12:59 Town Hall
13:03 Town Hall
14:12 Scout Tower
14:13 Scout Tower
14:14 Scout Tower
15:02 Guard Tower
15:02 Guard Tower
15:02 Guard Tower
15:28 Guard Tower
15:29 Guard Tower
15:43 Castle
15:43 Castle
15:44 Castle
16:34 Scout Tower
16:35 Scout Tower
16:47 Scout Tower
16:48 Scout Tower
17:12 Farm
17:16 Guard Tower
17:16 Guard Tower
17:16 Guard Tower
17:17 Guard Tower
17:54 Guard Tower
17:54 Guard Tower
18:43 Guard Tower
18:43 Guard Tower
19:55 Farm
19:57 Farm
22:45 Farm
25:22 Farm
25:23 Farm
28:41 Town Hall
28:42 Scout Tower
28:43 Scout Tower
28:44 Scout Tower
28:45 Scout Tower
29:01 Scout Tower
29:03 Scout Tower
29:04 Scout Tower
29:04 Scout Tower
29:12 Guard Tower
29:12 Guard Tower
29:14 Guard Tower
29:14 Guard Tower
29:55 Guard Tower
29:55 Guard Tower
29:55 Guard Tower
29:59 Arcane Tower
29:59 Arcane Tower
34:03 Gryphon Aviary
38:39 Workshop
38:40 Workshop
38:51 Workshop
50:35 Farm
51:13 Town Hall
52:03 Town Hall
62:42 Town Hall
» items
Scroll of Regeneration3
Boots of Speed2
Periapt of Vitality4
Mechanical Critter4
Scroll of Town Portal2
Orb of Fire2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Scroll of Protection1
Staff of Teleportation2
Circlet of Nobility2
Scroll of Healing1
Staff of Sanctuary1
25 total
HumanMakeWCgr8tAgain (pink | 104 APM | 3234 actions | 30:56)
Hero icon 4 Archmage
Ability icon 2 Blizzard
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Hero icon 3 Blood Mage
Ability icon 2 Flame Strike
Ability icon 1 Siphon Mana

» actions
Assign group hotkey45
Basic commands146
Build / train49
Enter build submenu27
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Right click1377
Select / deselect380
Select group hotkey1108
Use ability95
3234 total
» units
Mortar Team5
28 total
» upgrades
Priest Training1
Sorceress Training1
5 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower2
Arcane Tower1
Lumber Mill3
Guard Tower1
Arcane Sanctum2
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall4
27 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Kings
00:20 Farm
00:54 Scout Tower
01:01 Farm
01:29 Arcane Tower
01:35 Scout Tower
02:06 Lumber Mill
02:21 Guard Tower
02:53 Keep
03:01 Farm
03:11 Blacksmith
04:14 Farm
04:54 Farm
05:36 Arcane Sanctum
05:38 Arcane Sanctum
05:43 Workshop
08:00 Arcane Vault
08:06 Farm
09:37 Farm
10:11 Castle
15:57 Town Hall
16:10 Lumber Mill
16:57 Town Hall
17:17 Lumber Mill
19:22 Town Hall
26:13 Farm
29:22 Town Hall
» items
Scroll of Town Portal2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
3 total
team 2
Random» Orcsinsokao (yellow | 65 APM | 2906 actions | 44:34)
Hero icon 5 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike

» actions
Assign group hotkey24
Basic commands3
Build / train68
ESC pressed3
Enter build submenu25
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item5
Right click1164
Select / deselect309
Select group hotkey1176
Use ability123
2906 total
» units
Troll Batrider22
Wind Rider1
33 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons2
Liquid Fire1
Reinforced Defenses1
6 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow7
Altar of Storms1
Voodoo Lounge2
War Mill1
Watch Tower6
Great Hall2
24 total
» build order
00:08 Orc Burrow
00:11 Altar of Storms
00:54 Voodoo Lounge
02:08 War Mill
02:14 Orc Burrow
02:36 Stronghold
03:30 Watch Tower
03:34 Watch Tower
04:23 Watch Tower
04:29 Orc Burrow
05:15 Beastiary
05:17 Beastiary
06:02 Fortress
06:52 Orc Burrow
09:49 Orc Burrow
18:22 Watch Tower
18:23 Watch Tower
22:16 Great Hall
26:11 Great Hall
26:52 Watch Tower
28:09 Orc Burrow
29:13 Orc Burrow
29:19 Voodoo Lounge
» items
Healing Salve3
Lesser Clarity Potion5
Staff of Teleportation1
Boots of Speed1
Dust of Appearance1
Orb of Lightning1
Potion of Healing3
Tiny Great Hall1
16 total
Humanxxbuckwildxx (red | 22 APM | 1517 actions | 70:31)
Hero icon 4 Archmage
Ability icon 2 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Hero icon 1 Blademaster
Ability icon 1 Critical Strike

» actions
Basic commands10
Build / train84
Enter build submenu25
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue5
Right click906
Select / deselect370
Use ability111
1517 total
» units
Mortar Team14
48 total
» upgrades
Long Rifles1
Lumber Harvesting1
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings3
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower2
Arcane Vault1
Arcane Tower2
Guard Tower1
Gryphon Aviary2
25 total
» build order
00:40 Farm
00:54 Altar of Kings
01:08 Blacksmith
01:24 Barracks
01:37 Farm
01:54 Lumber Mill
02:08 Scout Tower
02:24 Arcane Vault
02:44 Farm
03:28 Arcane Tower
03:28 Arcane Tower
04:52 Farm
05:37 Farm
06:19 Farm
06:20 Keep
07:55 Scout Tower
08:40 Guard Tower
08:45 Workshop
10:14 Farm
11:12 Farm
19:57 Altar of Kings
20:02 Gryphon Aviary
20:27 Gryphon Aviary
21:45 Altar of Kings
22:41 Farm
» items
Lesser Clarity Potion4
Scroll of Regeneration4
Scroll of Town Portal4
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
13 total
Humantowersareunits (green | 45 APM | 2006 actions | 44:27)
Hero icon 4 Archmage
Ability icon 2 Blizzard
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Hero icon 2 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 1 Breath of Fire
Ability icon 1 Drunken Haze

» actions
Assign group hotkey22
Basic commands5
Build / train113
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu49
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click915
Select / deselect517
Select group hotkey236
Use ability137
2006 total
» units
Goblin Zeppelin1
Goblin Shredder1
Gryphon Rider7
Spell Breaker7
Dragonhawk Rider2
42 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting1
Storm Hammers1
Animal War Training1
Priest Training1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings3
Lumber Mill2
Scout Tower19
Arcane Tower6
Guard Tower12
Town Hall1
Arcane Vault2
Arcane Sanctum1
Gryphon Aviary3
69 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Kings
00:15 Farm
01:00 Farm
01:19 Lumber Mill
01:22 Lumber Mill
02:12 Scout Tower
02:14 Scout Tower
02:17 Scout Tower
02:41 Arcane Tower
02:41 Arcane Tower
03:27 Guard Tower
03:36 Town Hall
03:41 Scout Tower
03:51 Arcane Vault
03:55 Arcane Vault
03:58 Scout Tower
04:25 Farm
04:43 Scout Tower
04:54 Guard Tower
04:59 Guard Tower
05:00 Guard Tower
05:19 Scout Tower
05:24 Scout Tower
05:28 Guard Tower
05:30 Scout Tower
05:31 Scout Tower
05:52 Keep
05:52 Keep
05:58 Guard Tower
06:39 Arcane Tower
06:41 Farm
07:01 Scout Tower
07:02 Scout Tower
07:20 Scout Tower
07:21 Scout Tower
07:24 Scout Tower
07:25 Scout Tower
07:27 Arcane Tower
07:27 Arcane Tower
07:28 Arcane Tower
07:51 Guard Tower
07:55 Guard Tower
07:55 Guard Tower
07:59 Scout Tower
08:00 Scout Tower
08:01 Scout Tower
08:25 Guard Tower
08:27 Farm
08:28 Farm
08:28 Farm
08:45 Guard Tower
08:57 Guard Tower
09:05 Farm
10:26 Castle
10:45 Arcane Sanctum
10:46 Farm
10:48 Gryphon Aviary
10:49 Gryphon Aviary
10:51 Gryphon Aviary
10:55 Farm
10:56 Barracks
11:26 Farm
11:27 Farm
11:27 Farm
12:26 Blacksmith
14:37 Farm
21:13 Altar of Kings
22:30 Altar of Kings
23:47 Keep
» items
Scroll of Regeneration8
Boots of Speed1
Staff of Teleportation1
Potion of Invisibility1
Potion of Healing6
Scroll of Town Portal8
Lesser Clarity Potion3
Staff of Sanctuary1
29 total
OrcTROLLING-GUARD (purple | 56 APM | 3944 actions | 70:31)
Hero icon 6 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm

» actions
Assign group hotkey54
Basic commands106
Build / train78
Enter build submenu23
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item7
Right click1685
Select / deselect424
Select group hotkey1432
Use ability129
3944 total
» units
Goblin Shredder2
Wind Rider5
Troll Batrider7
Green Dragon2
33 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons2
Reinforced Defenses1
Envenomed Spears1
Liquid Fire2
Melee Weapons1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow7
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge2
Great Hall1
Watch Tower27
47 total
» build order
00:11 Altar of Storms
00:16 Orc Burrow
00:36 Barracks
01:24 Orc Burrow
01:49 War Mill
02:22 Voodoo Lounge
03:50 Great Hall
04:16 Watch Tower
04:16 Watch Tower
04:16 Watch Tower
05:40 Stronghold
05:48 Watch Tower
05:49 Watch Tower
06:03 Orc Burrow
07:02 Watch Tower
07:03 Watch Tower
07:04 Watch Tower
07:05 Watch Tower
07:05 Watch Tower
07:06 Watch Tower
08:14 Beastiary
08:42 Fortress
08:50 Beastiary
09:57 Beastiary
10:02 Watch Tower
11:46 Orc Burrow
11:47 Orc Burrow
11:47 Orc Burrow
12:17 Watch Tower
23:59 Orc Burrow
26:28 Beastiary
30:17 Watch Tower
34:38 Watch Tower
34:38 Watch Tower
34:38 Watch Tower
34:39 Watch Tower
34:39 Watch Tower
34:41 Watch Tower
34:41 Watch Tower
34:43 Watch Tower
34:45 Watch Tower
34:46 Watch Tower
34:47 Watch Tower
34:49 Watch Tower
34:52 Voodoo Lounge
» items
Healing Salve6
Scroll of Town Portal8
Staff of Teleportation2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Orb of Lightning1
Potion of Healing1
Tiny Great Hall1
Dust of Appearance1
21 total

Chat log

(00:17 / Allies) Ghandi: does anyone else notice thuer screen is too zoomed in?
(00:38 / Allies) Ghandi: i never noticed it before, but i watched some games on youtube, and they have awider field of vision than i do
(01:01 / Allies) Ghandi: anyone else got that prob?
(01:11 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: oh gay teal always goes hunt rush
(01:11 / Allies) sObieski: they were probably using widescreen hack
(01:13 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: did you check the box in options
(01:18 / Allies) sObieski: or else stretched to 16:9
(01:34 / Allies) Ghandi: i played around with all the settings
(01:38 / Allies) Ghandi: even on regedit
(01:40 / Allies) sObieski: widescreen hack then
(01:51 / Allies) Ghandi: na man, these players play in arean
(01:56 / Allies) Ghandi: like grubby, moon, etc
(01:58 / Allies) sObieski: maybe it has that built in

(04:32 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: i hurt human good
(04:56 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: gj hu
(04:57 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: nice expo
(05:00 / Allies) sObieski: ty

(06:21 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: ill give u item to go away pink
(06:26 / All) MakeWCgr8tAgain: lol
(06:30 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: k?
(06:34 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: cloak or mana stone

(08:22 / Allies) sObieski: I'll give you 1k for that pendant oj
(08:32 / Allies) Ghandi: k
(08:40 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: lets hi
(08:42 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: hit
(08:43 / Allies) sObieski: ty
(08:58 / Allies) sObieski: hit here
(09:02 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: group
(09:39 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lol
(09:40 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: blue
(10:12 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: blue mh?
(11:09 / Allies) lym6421D: wood

(12:52 / Allies) sObieski: we gotta hit they raping us
(12:55 / Allies) lym6421D: wood
(13:42 / Allies) sObieski: b
(13:46 / Allies) sObieski: too many towers
(13:50 / Allies) sObieski: let's hit red

(15:38 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: u guys
(15:39 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: fucking
(15:42 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: cant organize a fucking hting
(15:45 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: jesus fuck

(16:56 / Allies) lym6421D: wood
(16:56 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lawl red is crying like a baby
(17:06 / All) xxbuckwildxx: totes
(17:26 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: nub trying to kill my expo
(17:32 / Allies) sObieski: lumber plz
(18:02 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: kill red
(18:03 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: u earned it
(18:25 / Allies) Ghandi: i need gold
(18:26 / Allies) Ghandi: hard
(18:49 / Allies) Ghandi: i need gold
(18:50 / All) sObieski: raped lol
(18:56 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: lets
(19:05 / Allies) Ghandi: i need gold
(19:45 / Allies) Ghandi: meet
(19:56 / Allies) Ghandi: teal ciome
(20:27 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: no red im not letting u rebuild
(20:37 / Allies) Ghandi: coming tewal
(20:56 / All) sObieski: bad boy red
(20:58 / All) sObieski: you die now

(22:12 / All) sObieski: raped green

(23:12 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: who needs gld
(23:13 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: gold
(23:41 / Allies) Ghandi: i need gold

(25:56 / Allies) lym6421D: ??
(26:07 / Allies) lym6421D: ?
(26:19 / Allies) lym6421D: team kill?
(26:19 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: who need gold
(26:23 / Allies) Ghandi: i dop
(27:19 / All) sObieski: close to mass tp
(27:20 / All) sObieski: woot
(27:31 / Allies) Ghandi: stay together
(27:33 / Allies) Ghandi: kill purp
(28:07 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: hit?
(28:16 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: leave plz
(28:40 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: wood
(28:49 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: come
(29:14 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: wod plz
(29:34 / All) sObieski: give me xp where your units atgreen wtf
(29:41 / Allies) sObieski: go away this is my xp
(29:48 / Allies) sObieski: shoo
(29:49 / Allies) sObieski: my xp
(29:50 / Allies) sObieski: not yours
(30:02 / All) MakeWCgr8tAgain: ?
(30:05 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: wtf you doing
(30:06 / Allies) Ghandi: wowwww
(30:09 / Allies) sObieski: my xp not yours
(30:16 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: why did
(30:20 / All) sinsokao: purple useless.........
(30:23 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: you kill my hero;s
(30:31 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lawl
(30:32 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: i even told them
(30:34 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: wha tis gonna happen
(30:38 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: fucking bag of shit
(30:44 / All) towersareunits: Autism purp
(30:45 / Allies) sObieski: shut your mouth pink
(30:47 / Allies) sObieski: those are naughty words
(30:49 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: fuck you
(30:50 / Allies) sObieski: wash that mouth out with soap
(30:51 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: the fuck you gonan do
(30:53 / All) towersareunits: let u guys have free expansions
(30:55 / Allies) MakeWCgr8tAgain: trash faggot
(31:12 / All) sObieski: like 1 kill of any worker to lvl
(31:13 / All) sObieski: 6
(31:26 / All) sObieski: there we go
(31:30 / All) sObieski: thanks yellow you the man
(31:30 / Allies) Ghandi: i got no acos...
(31:41 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: i didnt see u needed exp my bad
(31:53 / All) sObieski: it's aight yellow gave me xp
(32:01 / All) sObieski: oj tk
(32:15 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: red was an arrogant bastard
(32:17 / All) sObieski: OJ TK
(32:18 / All) sObieski: OJ TK
(32:19 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: trying to claim my expo
(32:33 / Allies) sObieski: why tk man
(33:00 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: dead

(35:15 / Allies) sObieski: you lose
(35:23 / Allies) sObieski: leave now you get a tie
(35:25 / Allies) sObieski: stay you get a loss
(35:34 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: what is everyone's favorite RPG?
(35:36 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: mine is the witcher 3
(36:17 / Allies) sObieski: trapped LOL
(36:19 / Allies) sObieski: good one teal
(36:37 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: come get me some mr robo tinker
(37:06 / Allies) sObieski: you lose
(37:08 / Allies) sObieski: leave my game
(37:24 / All) sObieski: He teleported his own tinker to where it was stuck LOL
(37:29 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lawl
(37:39 / All) sObieski: tried to eat away trees with elf buildings to escape it
(37:42 / All) sObieski: but got it trapped in my army anyway
(38:01 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: bad boy teal
(38:09 / Allies) sObieski: out teal
(38:40 / All) sinsokao: gg
(38:48 / All) sObieski: surrendering yellow? ty
(38:51 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lawl im killing the other team and my team is whining
(39:10 / All) sinsokao: tanks copters vs wyvs???
(39:13 / All) sinsokao: LOL
(39:19 / All) sObieski: that's not why I'm making workshops buddy
(39:47 / All) sinsokao: that wins easier
(39:54 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: i didnt even need my team
(39:59 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: once i tried i killed all 4 players
(40:00 / All) sObieski: your team sucked big time
(40:00 / All) sinsokao: ZZZ
(40:06 / Allies) sObieski: teal you there?
(40:10 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: well 3
(40:50 / All) sObieski: Bad boy teal rebuilt his tinker
(40:53 / All) sObieski: that ain't gonna last long
(41:49 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: one bm and one tinker left
(41:52 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: who dies first i wonder

(43:28 / All) sObieski: staf
(43:40 / All) sObieski: one more
(43:51 / All) sinsokao: purple....
(43:54 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lawl
(43:55 / All) sObieski: raped yellow
(44:00 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: i even told these guys u were my friend
(44:02 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: they dont listen
(44:13 / All) towersareunits: u guys have autism
(44:15 / All) towersareunits: lol
(44:17 / All) towersareunits: useast
(44:22 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: we are pro
(44:23 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: gamers
(44:24 / All) towersareunits: jesus christ wha permavirgins
(44:27 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: 99.9% success rate
(44:42 / All) sObieski: Out teal
(45:19 / Allies) sObieski: you lose
(45:23 / Allies) sObieski: leave now you get a tie stay you get a loss

(46:23 / Allies) sObieski: teal, I'm gonna kill my own base
(46:25 / Allies) sObieski: to give you the loss
(46:28 / Allies) sObieski: leave and you get a tie
(46:30 / Allies) sObieski: stay and you get a loss
(46:47 / Allies) sObieski: leave
(47:14 / Allies) sObieski: out teal
(47:49 / Allies) sObieski: teal you there?
(47:54 / Allies) sObieski: time for you to go
(48:47 / All) sObieski: wow teal controlling ojs ghoul
(48:58 / All) sObieski: teal is like an ai

(50:20 / Allies) sObieski: stay you get a loss, leave you get a tie
(50:22 / Allies) sObieski: which is it teal?

(57:32 / All) xxbuckwildxx: sup guys
(57:37 / All) sObieski: sup
(57:59 / All) xxbuckwildxx: leave pls :D
(58:09 / All) xxbuckwildxx: i think ive put in my due diligence

(61:10 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: good that is one fact
(61:16 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: tell me who hte love interests of the main char

(63:28 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: good
(63:30 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: very good

(64:33 / Allies) lym6421D: dshajdghufguiyfilHKLFHDJFHASDJKFHSDAJKFHLASDJFHSDJKLFHjklaghasjkDGSAhjklgfjkdslfhjsdkahlfjklsdahfjksdahfjkASHKJLHJK
(64:34 / Allies) lym6421D: dshajdghufguiyfilHKLFHDJFHASDJKFHSDAJKFHLASDJFHSDJKLFHjklaghasjkDGSAhjklgfjkdslfhjsdkahlfjklsdahfjksdahfjkASHKJLHJK
(64:35 / Allies) lym6421D: dshajdghufguiyfilHKLFHDJFHASDJKFHSDAJKFHLASDJFHSDJKLFHjklaghasjkDGSAhjklgfjkdslfhjsdkahlfjklsdahfjksdahfjkASHKJLHJK
(64:36 / Allies) lym6421D: dshajdghufguiyfilHKLFHDJFHASDJKFHSDAJKFHLASDJFHSDJKLFHjklaghasjkDGSAhjklgfjkdslfhjsdkahlfjklsdahfjksdahfjkASHKJLHJK
(64:40 / All) sObieski: hi teal
(64:42 / All) sObieski: how are you
(64:48 / All) sObieski: lol
(64:57 / All) sObieski: bad luck, red
(65:05 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: red, we can give u atie
(65:10 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: oh nvm
(65:13 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: blue has to win lawl
(65:20 / All) xxbuckwildxx: but shani is getting the
(65:23 / All) xxbuckwildxx: d
(65:29 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lawl
(65:31 / All) sObieski: time to leave red
(65:40 / All) sObieski: my big 100 food army coming to finish your team off
(65:41 / All) xxbuckwildxx: he made me look at the witcher
(65:46 / All) xxbuckwildxx: i earned this
(65:47 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: lawl
(65:52 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: he is sort of right
(65:53 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: blue
(66:02 / All) sObieski: It's not about fairness
(66:05 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: how about, we give red win if he proves to us he buys witcher 3
(66:08 / All) sObieski: it's about me getting my well deserved win
(66:20 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: i can give control to u red
(66:21 / All) sObieski: I'll give him a win if he buys me witcher 3
(66:25 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: earn the win red
(66:33 / All) sObieski: Red is this win worth buying me witcher 3?
(66:35 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: red has control
(66:41 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: i wont touch it
(66:52 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: gogo red
(67:16 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: do it for geralt of rivia
(67:21 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: for geralt
(67:25 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: for yennefer
(67:44 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: devour a unit
(67:45 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: and run
(68:01 / All) sObieski: woot hero levels
(68:02 / All) sObieski: ty red
(68:03 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: did u lose a unit
(68:04 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: blue
(68:11 / All) sObieski: I lost 3 caster units
(68:13 / All) sObieski: to bladestorm
(68:14 / All) xxbuckwildxx: yeah i killed a couple casters xD
(68:23 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: let red have a 1 on 1 duel
(68:25 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: mk vs bm
(68:33 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: can u leave a burrow
(68:45 / All) sObieski: think we ought to just end it
(68:56 / All) xxbuckwildxx: no fun no fun
(69:17 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: do u have a console or only pc red
(69:30 / All) xxbuckwildxx: xbox1 and pc
(69:35 / All) sObieski: Red I'll give you this win if you buy me witcher 3
(69:39 / All) xxbuckwildxx: xbox is mostly a netflix device
(69:45 / All) sObieski: and aren't secretly a japanese hacker
(69:47 / All) xxbuckwildxx: the Office on repeat tbh
(70:07 / All) xxbuckwildxx: blue would be dwight
(70:08 / All) TROLLING-GUARD: wtf get aps4
(70:17 / All) xxbuckwildxx: purples probably ryan
(70:24 / All) xxbuckwildxx: im kevin
(70:28 / All) sObieski: no hard feelings red
(70:31 / All) sObieski: I just gotta get this win